Our congratulations go out to the following fellowship recipients for the 2023-24 academic year:
Mirae Guenther - National Science Foundation Fellowship
Mirae's Master's research aims to gain a better understanding of the impacts large-scale selective tree removals and other changes in the urban forest have on local stormwater quality.
Hannah Jo King - National Science Foundation Fellowship
Hannah Jo's dissertation research seeks to understand and prioritize community wisdom at the intersections of Black Studies, Native Studies, and Environmental Studies to develop Critical Environmental Justice dialogues that are rooted in Black and Indigenous epistemologies.
Nisogaabokwe Melonee Montano - DOVE Fellowship: CFANS Second-Year Match
Melonee is starting her second-year as a Master's student. Her work seeks to identify impacts on connections between fire, the land, more-than-humans, and humans, and incorporates both Western and Indigenous sciences to explore the benefits of returning to fire as a traditional land management practice of the Anishinaabeg.
Audrey Robeson - Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship
For her PhD, Audrey is conducting participatory research with local stakeholders in Hennepin County (MN) partnered around concerns over flooding. Audrey incorporates Collaborative Governance frameworks to propose a research-engaged study of the community partnership.
Jessica Tran - National Science Foundation Fellowship
Jessica's doctoral work involves community-based participatory research and environmental justice.
Anna Yang - Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Anna's dissertation work employs applied and theoretical approaches to understand the control of oak wilt outbreaks while also examining how the disease and its management will shape the future of oak forests.