All students must take NR 8101, the orientation course. This course is taken during the fall semester of your first year in the program. If you are a spring admit, you should plan to take it during your first fall semester in the program. NR 8101 will offer training in ethical research conduct, which is a Universitywide requirement for graduate students.
Additionally, all students must complete a one-credit seminar course, NR 8107, in which a presentation is required of each student some time throughout the course of the semester. Each student must receive formal written peer and instructor feedback on this presentation. With the prior authorization of the DGS and the graduate program, the advisor and the student may choose a different seminar course if it is not possible for the student to complete NR 8107.
Plan A Masters students are required to complete 20 course credits plus 10 thesis credits. A minor is not required. In the case of a declared minor, courses that belong to the minor are determined by that graduate program.
Plan B Masters students are required to complete 30 course credits. A minor is not required. In the case of a declared minor, courses that belong to the minor are determined by that graduate program.
Doctoral students do not have a prescribed number of courses to complete; however, most have completed between 50 and 60 course credits by the time they have advanced to candidacy. Doctoral students must also take 24 thesis credits. A minor is not required. In the case of a declared minor, courses that belong to the minor are determined by that graduate program.